
there are lots of,there are这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、There are的中文意思是有。

2、there are 英 [ðɛə ɑ:] 美 [ðɛr e(r)] 有;双语例句1. There are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price. 除股价上升之外还有无形利益。

3、2. There are reports of widespread dis-content in the capital. 有报道称首都弥漫着不满的情绪。

4、3. There are interesting hikes inland, but most ramblers stick to the clifftops. 内陆地区有一些很有意思的徒步远足路线,但多数徒步者都去爬悬崖陡壁。

5、4. There are signs that the alliance is now fraying at the edges. 有迹象表明该联盟现正分崩离析。

6、5. There are thousands of students absolutely gagging to come to this university. 肯定有成千上万的学生都渴望到这所大学念书。

7、6. There are many people who still find the act of abortion abhorrent. 仍有很多人对堕胎行为表示厌恶。

